- Publicidade -
Por iniciativa do Cineclube de Tomar, começam nesta quarta feira, dia 20, as sessões de cinema ao ar livre na Piscina Municipal Vasco Jacob, junto à zona desportiva em Tomar.
As sessões acontecem todas as quartas feiras às 21h30. Os bilhetes custam 2 euros. Crianças, maiores de 65 anos e sócios do Cineclube pagam só 1 euro.
Para este mês a programação contempla duas comédias:
20 jul – “Rei dos Belgas” de Peter Brosens e Jessica Hope Woodworth (Comédia | M/12 | 94 min.)
27 jul – “O Rei dos Gazeteiros” de John Hughes (Comédia | M/12 | 103 min.)
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Mais informação aqui
Boa programação de cinema ao ar livre, algo muito apetecivel nestas noites quentes de verão…
Concerteza que irei dar uma espreitadela!
Só passam filmes antigos, tal como acontece na Rússia. Quem quiser ver o novo filme do Top Gun, muito falado na imprensa e que as pessoas certamente querem assistir, tem de ir a Torres Novas ou a Ourém. Tomar está cada vez mais decadente, quem diz que Tomar está no caminho certo está a mentir ou vive em outra realidade.
It’s not about accessing the latest cinema Hollywood blockbusters, when there are other nearby venues with surround sound and latest graphics for the optimum audience experience. The films shown are generally old classics, shown against the backdrop of dark, star-lit skies in an unusual setting, complete with a traditional intermission for popcorn and a glass of wine. We go for this wonderful experience. I am happy to be old-fashioned and I sincerely hope these continue, as I look forward to these shows every summer.
I also would like to see cinema by the pool, I’ll try to do it soon. What I meant was that the city, if you still can call it that, is decaying for many years. It ‘s not economically viable to have commercial cinema anymore in the city. Everything is subsidised, the shows are free, and they squeeze the tax payer to the limit. It’s worse than in Britain. We live from handouts from the E.U. that will end by 2030. We produce very little, we used to have paper mills and a plywood plant and now we have nothing, just tourism. We became scroungers and our council leaders lie to us by saying we are in the right way!!!!
Thank you very much Alison.
A wise opinion is always welcome.
And seen from outside you see better.